Being Smart about the time that you choose to travel to work can help you maximise your free time to do things that you enjoy most in life...

Carry on reading to find out how Julie from Kingsthorpe already benefits from thinking Smartly about the time that she chooses to travel…

Tom from Wellingborough has always tried to avoid travelling in the rush hour for the following reasons...
Will my employer allow me to work flexible hours?
In 2014 the UK Government introduced The Flexible Working Regulations 2014 which means that all employees who have worked for the same employer for at least 26 weeks have the legal right to request flexible working* (which includes working flexible hours). Click here for more details or continue reading below…
*Please note that these regulations are job permitting. These regulations do not apply if your job requires you to be working at set times (for instance if you work set shifts in retail).
Have you heard about Flexitime?

Flexitime is a scheme where an organisation gives its employees the opportunity to work flexible hours outside the core hours of 1000 – 1600 allowing employees to commute to work outside of peak times which often results in reduced stress and increased job satisfaction.
The process also allows workers to take care of personal matters without having to take time off work and is helpful for employees with children and relatives who require care.
If this sounds like it would suit your routine, why not have a word with your boss?
Or maybe you are the boss, would allowing your employees to work Flexitime lead to a happier team?
Give it a go!
Working flexible hours can result in many of the benefits that Working from Home does for both employees and employers.
These include...
- Increased free time for the individual working flexible hours
- Increased job satisfaction for employees
- Reduced staff absenteeism and turnover for the employer
Download the booklet below for further detailed information about flexible working and for guidance of how it could work for you and your organisation...